As a change from things I think I understand, here is something that I definitely DON'T!
Freaky machinery doing dangerous things with no guards whatsoever.
the health and safety police would die of fright! - OK I have to see this then.
The biggest one doing its thing
The tiniest one doing its thing
How tiny is that?
Some like capacitance
Some prefer plumbing
Go to UK TeslaCoiling website »
Movies (.wmv format - sorry!)
The Can Crusher induction loop (35MB)
A Jacob's ladder (7MB)
Another view of the Jacob's ladder (8MB)
A voltage multiplier spark gap (10MB)
The big Tesla coil (27MB)
A sliightly more sensible size Tesla (20MB)
More Tesla time (53MB)
And more Tesla tinkering (34MB)
Tesla tunes (68MB)
As requested by Sarah - it was her birthday! (12MB)
Email me at
where (at)=@ and [dot]= .