Sonic Sheep

Statement of Intent

This website will contain some mix of:-

    Electronics, possibly projects, datasheets and information

    Electronic music, maybe projects, sound samples and pictures of

    Sheep, without which the site may as well be called 'Sonic',

    causing confusion with people searching for information about

    prickly little mammals.

I am slowly adding content to the site, I seem to be doing the most recent project write-ups first, which means that the old stuff may never get more than a fleeting mention; but I guess, as some of this older work uses now obsolete components, that is probably the best way of working.

SonicSheep is a flag of convenience

a melding of sound and the ovine ones

Recent Updates


An attempt at analysing the JH String Filter, with FFT graphs


Notes on using the Thurlby LA160 Logic Analyser


Leeds Modular Meeting


Another Leeds Modular Meeting


Synth DIY UK 2014 Meeting in Cambridge


Synth DIY UK 2015 Meeting in Cambridge


Synth DIY UK 2016 Meeting in Cambridge